1997 után, 2018-ban újra első helyen végzett CSEMŐ a "Virágos Magyarország" verseny 1000 fő feletti falu kategóriájában.

Az 1998-ban megszerzett európai bronz díj után 2019-ben EZÜST díjat kaptunk! 
A "Virágos Csemőről" ide kattintva olvashat

Ma 2024. november 21. csütörtök, Olivér napja van. - Holnap Cecília napja lesz.
Hét vezér tér
Községháza előtti tér
Templom tér
Dr. Kováts Zoltán Emléksétány
Dózsa György tér

Csemő Község Önkormányzata, 2713 Csemő, Petőfi u. 1. • Tel./Fax: 06-53/392 001 • E-mail: hivatal@csemo.hu

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Tömörkény Gyógyszertár
2700 Cegléd
Rákóczi út 51-53.
Telefonszám: 310-524
Készenl. tel.: 06 30 531 8675


Nemzeti Vágta

Csemő sikerei




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Csemői adattár




Csemő - the flowery settlement

Csemő was awarded the "Flowery Settlement" title in 1997 and 2018 in the "Flowery Hungary" competition. In 1998 we won bronze in European competition.


Csemő - the flowery settlement


The village of Csemő was founded in 1952 on the outskirts of Nagykőrös and Cegléd. At that time, a verdict was passed in the so-called "Csemő case", in which a dispute between the two neighboring towns over the possession of this area ended. It is located 70 km from the capital, Budapest, in the middle of the country.


Csemő, one of the largest populated areas in Hungary, has a total administrative area of about 8,000 hectares, 7800 hectares of which are outskirts, two thirds of the total population live in remote areas, on farms.


Csemő was awarded the "Flowery Settlement" title in 1997 and 2018 in the "Flowery Hungary" competition. In 1998 we won bronze in European competition.


In the life of our village, environmental improvement, the implementation and maintenance of environmental protection are of particular importance. One of the notable factors in achieving this goal is the “environmental education" of kindergarten and schoolchildren, since one quarter of the population of the village is made up of young people under 18. Our kindergarten is a “green kindergarten", our school is an “eco-school".


We are proud of the results achieved, but even more so that the flowering activity has survived since then, and the results achieved have been maintained successfully.


Csemő is one of the most flowery villages and the region's of the largest flowered farms in Hungary.

The village of Csemő was established in 1952 located on the boundary of two towns, Nagykőrös and Cegléd. Then judgement was delivered in the so-called "Csemő trial", which put an end to the struggle between the two towns for the possession of this land.  Csemő, with a population of 4,460, lies in the middle of the country, 70 kilometres south-east of Budapest and south-west of Cegléd the nearest city and it occupies a total area of approximately  8 thousand hectares.

In 1997Csemő won first prize in the "flowery Hungary" competition, so it was awarded "the most flowery town" title too.

In 1998 it was awarded third place in "the most flowery village in Europe" competition.


Why is it a place of interest?


  •  Because it represents a huge homestead world today, as more than 60% of residents live in outlying areas - all  in Pest county, 70 km from the capital.
  •  Because the unique, various architectural and historical heritage of smallholder farming.
  •  Because the village of Csemő offers a tranquil haven for its residents and visitors alike. The peace and privacy of our community, the unspoiled countryside are just a few more benefits that our community provides.


Here is the so-called “Putrisarki" forest which has a long-and well earned reputation as a destination for recreational outings and one of the most popular picnic spots with the residents of the surrounding towns as well as Dutch, German and Danish tourists. It is little wonder that many of them own hobby farms and allotments in this area.


Our village is well-known for sand vine and fruit growing, having developed at the turn of the 20th century, which still can be found. The infrastructural development of the inner area is extremely fast and spectacular. In the 1990s the gas supply and telephone, water and sewerage systems were finished and the village centre was rehabilitated.  Each one of these created an improvement in living conditions and productivity for the residents and the economy as a whole. The statue of the seven chieftains of the Hungarians and the open-air stage were completed in honour of the mille-centenary of the foundation of the Hungarian state (1996) in Templom Square. Also in the 1990-s the construction of the Catholic and Protestant churches was commenced. The people living here - taking into account the natural features - consider that the village has great potential for rural tourism development.    


Achievements and people we are proud of:


  •  In 1997 Csemő won first prize "the floweriest town" title in the "flowery Hungary" competition .In 1998 it took the third place in "Europe's floweriest village" competition.
  •  The environmental enhancement activity is continuous, Csemő won the special award of the most flowery settlement of the century and a special prize for civilized environment , the Golden Rose award, prime ministerial and ministerial awards.
  •  The Csemő village museum provides for the Local History collection a permanent safe home that is readily accessible to the public. 
  • The Catholic and the Calvinist church.
  • Orisek Ferenc , a master of  folk art and Király Zsiga PRIMA award winning artist and woodcarver whose carvings adorn Csemő’s squares and streets .The Local -Historical Collection hosts a permanent exhibition of his works in its yard.
  • Ladányi Mihály, the József Attila laureate poet lived and worked in Csemő.
  •  59.6% of the total area is wooded, which exceeds the national average, thus Csemő air cleaner than the national standards.
  •  Inhabitants of the village, contractors, who contributed to the dynamic development Csemő with their work.


Csemő - the flowery village


Contact information and hours of operation


Check place: Csemő mayor's office in 2713 Csemő u. 1.

Tel. / Fax: (06-53) 392-001

E-mail: hivatal@csemo.hu

Web: www.csemo.hu


Customer service procedures:


  Monday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. to 4p.m.
  Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. to 4p.m.
  Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. to 4p.m.
  Thursday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. to 4p.m.
  Friday: 8 a.m. to 12p.m.    
Mayor: Monday: 9 a.m. to 11a.m. polgarmester@csemo.hu
Notary: Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 11 am. jegyzo@csemo.hu


CONSTRUCTION JURISDICTION IN MATTERS: Ceglédi Joint Municipal Office 2700, Kossuth tér 1.


Construction group:  Túri Anikó building administrator  telephone: (06-53) 511-455


Opening hours schedule:


Monday: between 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Wednesday: 12:30 p.m. to 4p.m.
Thursday: closed
Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Walk in the center of the village

Virágos Csemő -
ENGLISHthe flowery settlement

első hely
első hely


Tisztelt Látogató!

Engedje meg, hogy bemutassuk Csemőt!



Csemő kiadvány



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Csemői himnusz

id. Olgyay Györgyné és
Olgyay Gábor szerzeménye:

Készült Csemő Község megalakulásának 50. évfordulójára 2002-ben.

Csemői mise

Olgyay Gábor szerzeménye:

Készült Csemő Község megalakulásának 70. évfordulójára 2022-ben.

Csemői Hírmondó

ingyenes önkormányzati havilap

Csemő Község Önkormányzata, 2713 Csemő, Petőfi u. 1. • Tel./Fax: 06-53/392 001 • E-mail: hivatal@csemo.hu

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